Pet Life Diary is always on the lookout for passionate writers who share our love for pets and want to contribute engaging and informative content. If you have a way with words and expertise about pets, we’d love for you to write for us!

Why Contribute to Pet Life Diary?

  • Reach our growing community of pet enthusiasts
  • Build your writing portfolio and gain exposure
  • Opportunity to become a regular contributor
  • Flexible schedule to fit your lifestyle
  • Provide 1 Do follow Backlink.

What We’re Looking For

We welcome well-researched, original articles on pet care, training, health, product recommendations, heartwarming stories, and more. Check out our blog for examples.

To Submit a Guest Post:

Simply fill out the form below with your post details. We’ll review your submission and get back to you.

  • Should be in between 60 to 70 characters.
  • Focus keywords are the words you want your post to rank for. It can range from a single word, like “coffee”, to a whole phrase, like “play the ukulele”.
  • Website URL you want to get backlink if you have
  • Select a category for your post. Keep it uncategorized if you don't find any relevancy.
  • Suggest category if you don't find any relevant category in the above section. But it must be relevant to Pets.
  • Images should be in webp extension and should not be greater than 300 KB.
  • Upload all the images that should be included in the post body. This field is required as the images uploaded in the above section decreased their quality.
  • This is what will appear as the description when this post shows up in the search results. Should be in between 160 characters.
  • Separate tags with commas. (only 3)
  • if you have any suggestion or idea for us then you can write down in this field otherwise leave it.

Guest Post Submission

  • Focus Keyword
    The main keyword or phrase you want your article to target and rank for in search engines. Choose something relevant to your topic. It must be included in the title, meta description(excerpt), and headings (at least one) of the post content.
  • Title
    An engaging, catchy title for your article using title case capitalization. It should accurately represent the topic while grabbing the reader’s attention. The focus keyword must be included in the title.
  • Description
    A brief 1-2 sentence summary of what your article will cover. This meta description may be shown in search results.
  • Post Content (Body text)
    The main written content of your article is between 1200-1500 words. Follow our guidelines for original, well-researched, and engaging writing with proper formatting.
  • Tags (Up to 3)
    List up to 3 relevant tags or topics that relate to your article to help with categorization and discoverability.
  • Featured Image
    Upload or provide the URL for a high-quality image (.jpg, .png, .webp is appreciated) that will be used as the main visual for your article. Ensure you have the right to use this image. Uploaded images must be 300KB or less.
  • Category
    Select the most relevant category for your article from the given options. You can also suggest a category but it should be relevant to Pets.
  • Your Website URL
    Provide the URL to your personal website or online portfolio which you have included in to the post content if you have.


  • Submit only original content that has not been published elsewhere.
  • Ensure your post is relevant to our audience and falls within the specified categories.
  • Aim for a word count of 1200-1500 words for comprehensive and informative content.
  • Use clear headings H2, subheadings H3, H4, and bullet points to enhance readability.
  • Include high-quality images or infographics to complement your content. But it must be less than 300 KB for better website speed.
  • Provide a brief author bio, including a link to your personal blog or social media profiles.
  • Revise and proofread your post for clarity, grammar, and spelling.
  • Our dedicated team will verify the content that you write for us as a guest post. 
  • Follow best SEO Practices.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to your submission!

Related Tags:

“submit guest post” + “animal”
“animal” + “become a contributor”
“guest post” + “pets”
“animal” + “submit guest post”
“animal” + “guest post guidelines”
“write for us” + “animal”
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